I Want My Arsenal Back

(This may sound like a nonsensical ramble. There is legitimately no structure to this, it’s just a mashing of keys to be perfectly honest.)

You have an exquisite suit. It’s a suit that has served you well, contributing to you getting lucky quite a few times. The thing is though, it’s getting a bit tattered now. It’s time to replace that suit. You’ve spoken to your bank manager, it appears there is plenty of money in your bank account. Enough to buy yourself, at the least, a suit of the same quality. Instead, you think to yourself “I can save a few bob here if I shop at Primark instead. Nobody will notice the difference.”

You’re out a few days later, pulling some prize faces on the dancefloor and busting a few shapes. But your success rate is dwindling. Girls who usually fawn over you, complimenting your beauty, are looking at you with near pity in their eyes. Others are just flat out laughing at you. “But this is top notch clobber” you say to yourself.

So you go back to your normal suit shop, buy yourself a nice little shirt, perfectly tailored for yourself. It’s snug, it fits like a glove. You paid a bit more than you would have liked, but it was worth every penny really. That shirt gets complimented, but that’s it.

Surely, surely, you would think to yourself “I might start shopping here again. It’s a bit more expensive, but it’s damn effective.”

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