“Well They’ll Say What They Say…But It Doesn’t Mean a Goddamn Thing”

Well I’ve been coaxed out of my shell, and I promise that this page will again get the attention that I haven’t given to it for a long while. Truth is, between work, life and general laziness I haven’t made the time to update this. There’s a lot of internet out there and I’m easily distracted.

Among the things that I’ve been distracted by is comedy albums, and in particular Hannibal Buress’ (Animal Furnace, it’s great, listen to it, it’s on Spotify). It has one filler line in a joke about eating penguins, and it adds nothing to the joke, but it resonates with me.

“People never have anything.”

And yes, it is tenuously linked to football, but it speaks to my view about the world of football right now. Bear with me.

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